Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Brutally Honest....

Last night I decided to cut my hair. It wasn't just a regualar haircut...I chopped it off. I went from having hair long enough to put in a pony darn near a pixie cut. When I returned home, Eva looked at me weird. Before I could say anything she says "Mommy, your hair looks silly" I asked her if she like it, she said "no." I'm not gonna lie...I was a little disappointed that she didn't like it.

I thought maybe she would have a change of heart when I showered and styled it myself. So after I finished doing my hair I walked up to her and said "Well, Eva, what do you think of my hair now??" She looks at me for a while then says "mommy, you almost look like a boy. It's not very pretty, but I still love you" WOW! That one stung a little...BUT, you have to appreicate the honesty of a 3 year old.

It begins early in the morning....

This morning Jak and Eva jumped into bed with me. We laid in bed for a few minutes while we were trying to wake up. Jak and Eva had the cutest conversation. It went something like this...

Jak: "I tried to tickle my chin, but it doesn't tickle."
Eva: "Well, my chin doesn't tickle either"
Jak: "When I tickle Ela's chin, she laughs alot, but it doesn't work on us"
Eva: "Jak, why doesn't it work for us?"
Jak: "Well, maybe when you get big your chin just doesn't tickle anymore"

I just LOVE listening to Jak and Eva have conversations!!! I wish I could record them all...and I will definitely try!

A look back into the past couple weeks....

It seems like the last few weeks Jak and Eva have been saying the cutest things!!!! That is more or less what inspiried me to start this blog. Here are a few things they have said that melted my heart....

-Jak told his teachers at church school last week... "When God comes to my house, I will make him muffins" to which Eva replied, "Well, I will make him butterfly donuts"

-Eva woke up a couple mornings ago and whispered into my ear "Mommy, my breath hurts in my mouth" I think she was trying to tell my that she wanted to brush her teeth. :)

-On the way to the ymca one morning Eva and Jak were looking out their windows at the clouds.. Eva says "Mommy, the clouds look like sugar!" soooo cute!

Those are just a few of the things I could remember off the top of my head. I will try and post some "vintage cuteness" periodically.

The beginning...

I am starting this blog to record all the funny/amazing/silly/crazy/cool/laugh my butt off things my kids do, say, and make. I have always said that I could probably write a book about my kids and the silly things they say...well, I will start with a blog!